Court order restricts his access to practices, games but not firearms
Football coach disputes police version, claims witness support
UPDATE March 18, 2017
by Terri Jo Neff
Disorderly conduct charges were dismissed against Robert T. Brooks, the assistant football coach who ran on the field during an October 15 midget tackle game to confront a referee. The dismissal was ordered December 21 at the request of deputy county attorney Kristin Guererro-Sisneroz, who advised justice of the peace Timothy Dickerson that Brooks had written a letter of apology and completed an anger management program.
Brooks was charged by Sierra Vista PD for his actions during a game between the Sierra Vista Colts and the Douglas Chargers. A 9-second video filmed from the Douglas sideline appeared to show Brooks pushing a juvenile referee before grabbing at head referee Robert Hardy Jr.
However, another video of the incident surfaced after Brooks was charged. That 14-second video was recorded from the Sierra Vista sideline and appeared to show the adult referee pushed the juvenile referee out of the way as Brooks comes toward them.
While not condoning Brooks’ actions, some of the Colts’ coaches say the incident was the culmination of several issues under the control of the refereeing crew which impacted player safety. The coaches, who asked not to be named for fear of retaliation by league officials, say there were questions of whether some Douglas players were too old or too heavy to be playing in the game.
They also cite a video taken earlier in the game showing a Colts player being injured, followed by several cheers from the Douglas sideline. The boy was taken to the hospital and later released. The teams did not finish the game after Brooks’ outburst.
Dismissal of the criminal charges does not impact a protective order taken out by the Sierra Vista American Youth Football & Cheer Association barring Brooks from the team’s games and practice facility until October 17, 2017.
SIERRA VISTA- Some young football players recently got a lesson in the consequences of unsportsmanlike conduct when an assistant coach became upset about the officiating of an American Youth Football & Cheer game. According to court records, Robert T Brooks with the Sierra Vista Colts team was “so enraged he ran onto the field with closed fist to confront the referee” during an October 15 game against the Douglas Chargers at Buena High School.
A video released by the Sierra Vista Police Dept. shows Brooks charging onto the field, then making physical contact with a juvenile referee before grabbing at head referee Robert Hardy Jr. A player on Brooks’ midget tackle team (ages 12-14) can be seen rushing in and trying to push the 250-pound Brooks away from the referees.
A statement SVAYFC issued afterward explained association officials “physically removed” Brooks from the field after his outburst, and that his actions “led to the cancellation of the remainder of the game.”
SVAYFC provides area kids ages 5-14 with flag and tackle football divisions and cheer divisions under the national American Youth Football program. The AYF 2016 Rule Book includes a Standard of Conduct which calls on coaches to “accept decisions of the game officials and judges on the field and in competitions as being fair and called to the best of their ability.”
Brooks’ on-field actions also resulted in a criminal citation issued four days after the incident by the Sierra Vista PD for disorderly conduct, a class one misdemeanor with a potential sentence of six months in jail and a fine of up to $2500. The citation is based on a complaint filed October 19 by SVAYFC referee coordinator Paul Hughes. A not-guilty plea was entered November 1 with the Sierra Vista Justice Court by Brooks’ attorney, Perry Hicks. The next court date for the criminal case is November 30.
When contacted about the incident, Brooks noted he has witness statements that contradict the police report. He also claims he reacted out of concern for the safety of his players.
Order to stay away from team after 2nd incident in one year
SVAYFC corporate secretary Thomas Ransford informed Brooks by email on October 16 that he was “no longer eligible to attend” any SVAYFC events. Brooks confirmed receipt of the email the next morning, replying “WILCO” which is military parlance for “will comply.” Although not present at the game, that same morning Ransford - who is also a detective for the Sierra Vista PD - filed a petition and paid a $68 fee to the Sierra Vista Justice Court requesting an Injunction Against Workplace Harassment on behalf of SYAYFC.

In the petition to the court for the injunction, Ransford noted that Brooks was released as an assistant coach last October after a similar incident. On that occasion Brooks got into an altercation with his team’s head coach because Brooks was “dissatisfied with the way the referees were calling penalties.” The petition explains that Brooks was allowed back this season with the consent of head coach Stacey Lloyd, who according to court records said “he would be responsible for Mr. Brooks.”
According to the petition, Ransford asserted that during the 2015 incident and the recent incident Brooks made comments about his military and work experience. It's unclear who those comments were directed at or why Ransford included that information to the Court, because nothing in the Sierra Vista PD criminal incident reportmentions Brooks making inappropriate statements to the referees.
The injunction issued October 17 by judge pro tempore Leslie Sansone restricts Brooks from the SVAYFC practice facility on Tacoma Street and from all SVAYFC events. It also orders him to have no contact with the group’s volunteers while they are performing their official duties. Brooks may not be able to return as a coach in the future because under AYF rules the penalty for a second offense by a coach for “badgering or threats directed at game officials” is permanent suspension.
The injunction petition submitted by Ransford included a note about “the risk of harm” to the SVAYFC organization, and therefore asked that the judge order Brooks “not to possess firearms or ammunition” until he was deemed to no longer pose a threat. That restriction, however, was not included in the order signed by Sansone.
Brooks was served the injunction order on October 18 by Cochise County constable Scott McManaway. It is effective for one year unless Brooks requests a hearing to modify or quash (cancel) it. As of November 3 no such request has been filed.

SVAYFC is a 501c3 organization registered since 2004 as a non-profit corporation with the Arizona Corporation Commission. Its corporate officers are Ransford, Keith Hampton, and Frank Valdez.
Contact reporter Terri Jo Neff at 520-508-3660 and cjw_media@yahoo.com